General Data Protection Statement

Savvi Detailed Data Protection Statement

Effective Date: 23rd April 2024

In this Data Protection Statement, you will find the following information laid out in sections to make it easier to find the information you want.

At the end of the main document, you will also find information that is specific to the services you interact with so that you can just read information that is relevant to that specific service.



We provide general information about the Credit Union and our contact details.

Terms used to refer to the Credit
Union include “we”, “us” and “our”
Credit Union: Savvi Credit Union
Address: 56 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
Phone: 01-6325100

Savvi Credit Union (the “Credit Union”) is a progressive Credit Union serving the community of Dublin1,2 and 4 along with current and retired ESB staff, that has been in operation at the heart of the community for nearly 60 years. Our mission is to provide financial services for all our members residing, working and studying in our community, offering products and services driven by the needs of our members. In order to provide our services, we need to process Personal Data. We are committed to protecting the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe (the “GDPR“).


This section sets out the basis on which any Personal Data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be used by us.

Please read this Data Protection Statement carefully to understand our views and practices regarding the Personal Data we collect and how we will treat it.

We have used a layered approach to try to ensure you can find the information that you need about our processing activities. Our Data Protection Statement is structured as follows:

Data Protection Statement Details
Summary Data Protection Statement Provides summary information about the processing activities of the Credit Union
General Data Protection Statement Provides general Data Protection related information
Services Data Protection Statement(s) including

  • Member Accounts Data Protection Statement
  • Loan Accounts Data Protection Statement
  • General Business Data Protection Statement
  • Online Banking Data Protection Statement
  • Mortgage Data Protection Statement
Provides further information about particular services and processing activities of the Credit Union.

These service Data Protection statements are included at the end of our General Data Protection Statement and will be provided when relevant to your interaction with us.


This section provides information relating to the data subjects whose Personal Data we process.

This Data Protection Statement provides specific information relating to the following data subjects whose Personal Data we process:

  1. Credit Union members;
  2. individuals who may become members of the Credit Union;
  3. individuals who are party to or connected with any of the services we offer our members such as beneficiaries, guarantors, relations or representatives of one of our members;
  4. business contacts including those of our suppliers and partners;
  5. members of the public and non-members who pass by and/or visit the Credit Union and whose images are captured on CCTV;
  6. users/visitors of our website; and
  7. prospective employees of the Credit Union.

Personal Data of employees and certain individuals serving as board members and volunteers of the Credit Union is dealt with in a separate internal Data Protection notice.


This section provides information relating to the categories of Personal Data we process.

We may collect, store, and use the following categories of Personal Data about you:

Identification Data
This includes name, marital status, title, date of birth, gender, PPSN, photographs, job title and employer. It also includes background and verification data such as a copy of passports, driver’s license or utility bills as well as other information we require to comply with our obligations under anti-money laundering legislation.

Contact Data
This includes email address, phone number, postal address, billing address.

Member Financial Data
This includes financial data such as your account status and history, transaction data, contract data, credit checks, details of the Credit Union products being used. This also includes payment related information or bank account details and financial data received as part of the services that we offer. With loans we may also request broader information around your financial income and outgoings such as salary, occupation, accommodation status, mortgage details, other loans and debts, previous addresses, spouse, partners and we may request further information to support the purpose for the loan.

Correspondence Data
If you interact with us, we will record details of those interactions. For example, we will process details of phone calls, email correspondence and hard copy correspondence.

Marketing Data
This includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and your correspondence preferences.

We operate CCTV cameras at the Credit Union. If you pass by and/or visit the any of Savvi Credit Union premises, your image may be recorded on CCTV.

Telephone recording (voice) Data
We record calls made to the Credit Union.

Recruitment Data
If we interact with you for the purposes of any job with the Credit Union, we will collect recruitment related data such as identity data, CV data and application data as part of the recruitment process.

When processing CV data, we may process certain Personal Data including the following: date of birth, employment history, skills/ experience, languages, educational history, qualifications, membership of professional associations, contact details of employer references/character references, licenses held,interests and hobbies, languages, locations, nationality, passport, eligibility to work in certain jurisdictions, salary expectations.

As part of processing Recruitment Data, we process interview/screening answers.

Web Data
When you interact with us online, we will automatically collect data about your use of our services, including data on the type of device you’re using, its IP address, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of Website use.

This information is collected at an aggregate level and your identity data is not stored as part of this technical data.

Special Categories of Personal Data
When we provide our services, we may process special categories of Personal Data. Under the GDPR special category Personal Data includes Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

The special category Personal Data that may be processed by the Credit Union include:

Health Data
When you are taking out a loan the Credit Union may ask you to make a health declaration in order to obtain insurance cover for the loan.

Other Special Category Data
Special categories of data relating to political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation may be inferred from information you provide such as when you make payments to a religious or political organisation. Such information is incidental to the purposes of processing and we do not further process this information for any other purpose.

From time-to-time members may provide special category data to us to support a loan application. For instance, members may be applying for a loan to finance a medical procedure and may furnish information relating to the procedure. While we ask generally for information to support a loan application, we never ask for medical information or other special category data in these circumstances. It is our policy if it is provided to us to return such information to the member.


We have set out here the legal basis we use to process Personal Data.

All processing of Personal Data must be lawful. Processing will only be lawful if we have a legal basis for processing.

We will process Personal Data where necessary to perform our obligations relating to or in accordance with the terms and conditions of any contract you enter into with the Credit Union (such as the membership agreement or loan agreement) or to take steps at your request prior to entering into such agreement.

Legal Obligation
We will need to process certain Personal Data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligations imposed on us, such as to comply with legal obligations connected with “know your customer” requirements under anti-money laundering (AML) laws, or under anti-money counter terrorist financing law.

We will process Personal Data where you have provided explicit consent to us processing it for a particular purpose.

Legitimate Interest
At times we will need to process your Personal Data to pursue our legitimate business interests, for example for administrative purposes, to collect debts owing to us, to make legal claims, to provide information to you, to operate, evaluate, maintain, develop, and improve our Websites and services or to maintain their security and protect intellectual property rights.

We will not process your Personal Data on a legitimate interest basis where the impact of the processing on your interests and rights outweigh our legitimate interests.

If do not want us to process your Personal Data on the basis of our legitimate interests, contact us at and we will review our processing activities.


We have set out below the general purpose of processing, the categories of Personal Data processed and the related lawful basis for processing.

We use Personal Data to provide you with our services and to assist us in the operation of the Credit Union. Under data protection law, we must ensure that the purpose of processing is clear.

Purpose of Processing Categories of Personal Data Lawful Basis
Member Application and account set-up and administration
Please see our Member Accounts Data Protection Statement for further information
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
  • Consent
Loan application and approval, loan administration and debt collection
Please see our Loan Accounts Data Protection Statement for further information
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Health Data
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
  • Legitimate Interests
Mortgage application and approval, Mortgage administration and debt collection
Please see our Mortgage Data Protection Statement for further information
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Health Data
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
  • Legitimate Interests
  • Explicit Consent
Online banking services
Please see our Online Banking Data Protection Statement for further information
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
  • Consent
Budgeting services such as BillPay and budget accounts
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
  • Consent
Member insurance Services
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Health information
  • Contract
  • Legal Obligation
Other member benefits including competitions and member draws
  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Contract
  • Consent
  • Legitimate Interests
Recruiting staff to the Credit Union including:

  • to contact you in connection with any job position we may have open
  • to check your suitability for the role
  • to fulfil the recruitment needs of the business.

Please see our General Business Data Protection Statement for further information

  • Identification Data
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Recruitment Data
  • Contact Data
  • Legitimate Interests
  • Consent
To deliver our website including:

  • to promote our products and services
  • to administer the Website
  • to ensure the safety and security of our website and our services.

Please see our General Business Data Protection Statement for further information

  • Web Data
  • Legitimate Interests
  • Consent
Marketing and promotion of our business including:

  • to send newsletters and other information that may be of interest
  • to contact you as part of our business relationship or for lead generation and general administration

Please see our General Business Data Protection Statement for further information

  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Identification Data
  • Legitimate Interests
  • Consent
Administration of our relationship including:

  • To manage/respond to a complaint/appeal
  • to keep you informed about the operation of the Credit Union
  • to notify you of updates to this Data Protection Statement;
  • Contact Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Identification Data
  • Call Recording Data
  • Legitimate Interests
  • Legal Obligation
To meet our regulatory obligations:

  • To comply with Central Bank reporting, compliance and auditing regulatory activities
  • To comply with revenue reporting obligations including DIRT and CRS
  • To comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and the countering of the financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations.
  • Identification Data
  • Correspondence Data
  • Financial Data
  • Legal Obligation
Prevention of fraud and ensuring security of the Credit Union
  • CCTV Data
  • Call Recording Data
  • Legitimate Interests


We have set out below the sources of Personal Data we collect.

We may obtain Personal Data from you directly or from a third party.

Credit Unions Members and their representatives

We may collect your Personal data directly from you when you:

  • make an enquiry or apply for membership of the Credit Union;
  • apply for a loan or act as guarantor on a loan;
  • transact with us either in the Credit Union or via online banking;
  • avail of any of our member services such as our bill payment or foreign exchange services;
  • contact our Office or Customer Care team that may utilise telephone recording;
  • interact with us on behalf of a Credit Union member;
  • participate in our member draws, competitions or other promotional events;
  • pass-by or enter the Credit Union premises where CCTV is located;
  • apply for a job or enquire about volunteering with us;
  • enter a competition run by the Credit Union;
  • market or provide your services to us;
  • follow us on social media;
  • when you visit our website or submit an inquiry via an online form.

Third Parties

we may collect your Personal Data from a 3rd party when we:

  • conduct background checks, including “know your customer” checks. For account opening, Savvi use Stubbs Gazette and CRO (Companies Registration Office)
  • consult credit referencing agencies including the Central Credit Register.
  • process your loan application using the open banking platform where your Personal Data is provided by your Bank via the Open Banking Service Provider
  • are recruiting and you have provided your Personal Data to a recruitment agency for the purpose of sharing it with us

In some cases, we are provided your Personal Data when a member nominates you as a beneficiary on their account.


We have set out below the parties to which we may disclose your Personal Data.

In certain circumstances, we may disclose Personal Data to third parties as follows:

  • business partners and sub-contractors including software and IT service providers, payment processors, data aggregators and hosting service providers;
  • authorised officers or employees of the Irish League of Credit Unions (“ILCU”) for the purpose of the ILCU providing professional and business support services to the Credit Union and for the administration of the ILCU Savings Protection Scheme;
  • ECCU Assurance DAC (“ECCU”) for the administration of insurance products and services offered to Credit Union members such as Life Savings, Loan Protection, Death Benefit Insurance and Disability Cover;
  • open banking platform PLAID AISP for the purposes of loan assessment where you have provided consent for this processing;
  • domestic and foreign tax authorities under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) rules as part of the Common Reporting Standard(CRS) to establish your liability to tax in any jurisdiction
  • the regulator and the Central Bank of Ireland for reporting, compliance and auditing purposes;
  • internal and external auditors who advise on how we can best meet our obligations and improve our ways of operating;
  • our insurers and/or professional advisers insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes of obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, obtaining professional advice and managing legal disputes;
  • analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of the Website. This consists of aggregated anonymous information only and relates to the web pages visited on the Website and not the information included on those web pages;
  • if our Credit Union is merged with another Credit Union or acquired by a third party, in which case Personal Data held by us will be one of the transferred assets;
  • if we are under a duty to disclose or share your Personal Data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply the terms of any agreement;
  • to protect our rights, property, or safety, or that of you or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection;
  • to certain statutory bodies such as the Department of Finance, the Department of Social Protection and the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Bureau of Ireland and the appropriate Data Protection Supervisory Authority if required under law
  • as required by law, in order to meet the requirements of relevant legislation such as the Credit Union Act 1997. We will disclose your Personal Data if necessary, to:
    • comply with a legal obligation;
    • protect or defend our rights, interests or property or that of a third party;
    • prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with our services;
    • act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of one or more individuals; and
    • to protect against legal liability.

When we engage another organisation to perform services for us, we may provide them with information including Personal Data, in connection with their performance of those functions. We do not allow third parties to use Personal Data except for the purpose of providing these services.


We sometimes use systems to make decisions based on Personal Data we have (or are allowed to collect from others) about you. This Personal Data is used for loan assessment, provisioning, credit control workflow automation, fraud prevention and compliance with our legal duties in regard to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion obligations.

We use software automation as part of our loan assessment processing including Artificial Intelligence functionality to predict loan performance.

Lending applications may be approved automatically where they meet all of our lending criteria. Lending applications which are not automatically approved are always referred for further assessment by our lending team.

Where we have made a solely automated decision that affect you in a legal or a significant way, you have the right to request to have those decisions reviewed by a member of our lending team.

Information about your loan is used by Savvi Credit Union to refine future loan predictions.


We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Personal Data is treated securely in accordance with this Data Protection Statement and the relevant law.

In particular, we have put in place appropriate physical, technical, and organisational procedures to safeguard and secure the Personal Data we process.

We will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to information to protect the privacy and security of the Personal Data we process.

Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

We also use secure connections to protect Personal Data during its transmission. Where you have been given (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access services, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. Please do not share your password with anyone.

If you think that there has been any loss or unauthorised access to Personal Data of any individual, please let us know immediately.


We will only transfer Personal Data outside the EEA if necessary and with appropriate safeguards in place.

The Credit Union may transfer limited Personal Data to be processed outside the EEA by our processors. In such cases we use processors who provide sufficient guarantees to ensure the security and protection of your Personal Data.


We only keep your Personal Data as long as it is necessary for the purposes of processing it or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

We have identified our retention practices in the table below. In some circumstances it is not possible for us to specify in advance the period for which we will retain your Personal Data. In such cases we will determine the appropriate retention period based on balancing your rights against our legitimate business interests. We may also retain certain Personal Data beyond the periods specified herein in some circumstances such as where required for the purposes of legal claims.

Purpose Retention Period
Member Application and account set-up and administration Account closure + 7 years
Mortgage Loan applications 7 years from the date of final repayment for successful applications

6 Months from application date in the case of incomplete or expired applications

7 years from date of decision in the case of denied applications

Loan application and approval, loan administration Termination of loan + 7 years
Online banking services Account closure + 7 years
Budgeting services such as BillPay and budget accounts Account closure + 7 years
Member insurance Services Account closure + 7 years
Other member benefits including competitions and member draws 12 months
Recruiting staff to the Credit Union 12 months for unsuccessful candidates
To deliver our Website 12 months or less
Marketing and promotion of our business 12 months in the case where no meaningful engagement or earlier in the case you unsubscribe
Administration of our relationship Account closure + 7 years for Correspondence Data
Prevention of fraud and ensuring security of the Credit Union 28 Days for CCTV Data

In certain cases, we may retain Personal Data for longer than specified here if required under relevant laws.


You have rights under data protection law in relation to how the Credit Union uses your Personal Data. You may generally access your rights free of charge.

You can ask for access to the Personal Data we hold on you

You have the right to ask for all the Personal Data we have about you. When we receive a request from you in writing, we must give you access to all Personal Data we’ve recorded about you as well as details of the processing, the categories of Personal Data concerned and the recipients of the Personal Data.

We will provide the first copy of your Personal Data free of charge, but we may charge you a reasonable fee for any additional copies.

We cannot give you access to a copy of your Personal Data in some limited cases including where this might adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

You can ask to change Personal Data you think is inaccurate

You should let us know if you disagree with something included in your Personal Data.

We may not always be able to change or remove that information, but we will correct factual inaccuracies and may include your comments in the record to show that you disagree with it.

You can ask to delete Personal Data (right to be forgotten)

In some circumstances you can ask for your Personal Data to be deleted, for example, where:

  • your Personal Data is no longer needed for the reason that it was collected in the first place
  • you have removed your consent for us to use your Personal Data (where there is no other lawful basis for us to use it)
  • there is no lawful basis for the use of your Personal Data
  • deleting the Personal Data is a legal requirement

Where your Personal Data has been shared with others, we will do what we can to make sure those using your Personal Data comply with your request for erasure.

Please note that we cannot delete your Personal Data where:

  • we are required to have it by law
  • it is used for freedom of expression
  • it is used for public health purposes
  • it is used for scientific or historical research or statistical purposes where deleting the Personal Data would make it difficult or impossible to achieve the objectives of the processing
  • it is necessary for legal claims.

You can ask us to limit what we use your Personal Data for

You have the right to ask us to restrict what we use your Personal Data for where:

  • you have identified inaccurate information, and have told us of it
  • where we have no legal reason to use that Personal Data but you want us to restrict what we use it for rather than erase it altogether

When Personal Data is restricted it can’t be used other than to securely store the Personal Data and with your consent to handle legal claims and protect others, or where it’s for important public interests.

You can ask to have your Personal Data moved to another provider (data portability)

You have the right to ask for your Personal Data to be given back to you or for it to be provided to another service provider of your choice in a commonly used format. This is called data portability.

This right only applies if we’re using your Personal Data with consent and if decisions were made by a computer and not a human being. It does not apply where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

You can make a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the local supervisory authority for data protection in the EU member state where you usually reside, where you work or where you think an infringement of data protection law took place.


Please see our separate cookie notice available at for further information.


We will post any changes on the Website and when doing so will change the effective date at the top of this Data Protection Statement. Please make sure to check the date when you use our services to see if there have been any changes since you last used those services. If you are not happy with any changes that we have made please contact us.

In some cases, we may provide you with additional notice of changes to this Data Protection Statement, such as accompanying the annual member booklet. We will always provide you with any notice in advance of the changes taking effect where we consider the changes to be material.


Please contact us if you have any questions about this Data Protection Statement or Personal Data we hold about you:

  • by email at:
  • or write to us at:
    Data Protection Officer,
    56 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay,
    Dublin 2


The Data Protection Commission in Ireland may be contacted using the contact details below if you have any concerns or questions about the processing of your Personal Data.


Lo-Call No: 1890 252 231
Telephone Number: 057 8684800
Postal Address: 21 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2, D02 RD28
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